Land, Water, People
A brief overview of the land, water and people of the watershed through various maps follows:
Milk River Surficial Geography Map, 595 KB JPG
Milk River Bedrock Geology Map, 307 KB JPG
Milk River Physiography, Relief and Drainage Map, 526 KB JPG
Milk River Soils Map, 351 KB JPG
Milk River Natural Subregions, 294 KB JPG
Milk River Landcover Map, 544 KB JPG
Native Prairie Vegetation, 282 KB JPG
Historic Trails, 296 KB JPG
Land Ownership 2008, 276 KB JPG
Agriculture, Crops, 306 KB JPG
Agriculture, Grazing, 295 KB JPG
Oil and Gas Activity, 330 KB JPG
Waterwells, Springs and Bedrock Geology, 356 KB JPG
Milk River Sandstone and Whisky Valley Aquifers, 287 KB JPG