Membership Information


  1. Membership is open to all individuals and organizations who live or work in the Milk River watershed, and whose interests are consistent with the Mission, Vision and Goal of the MRWCC.
  2. Mission - The Milk River Watershed Council Canada strives to proactively preserve and improve the economic, social and environmental interests of the watershed through effective partnerships and sound science. 

    Vision - A watershed where community well being is supported by a vibrant economy and sustained by a healthy environment that will endure as our legacy for future generations. 

    Goal - To achieve balance among a thriving community, a healthy environment and a prosperous economy through understanding, dialogue and action. 

  3. There are four types of memberships: 3 voting (Individual, Organization, and First Nations) and 1 non-voting (Participant).
  4. By filling out an application, applicants must make clear upon joining which of the following category of membership they represent.  Having done so, applicants will be considered a member for voting purposes, except Participants who are non-voting members.
  5. Individual - Any person living or working in the Alberta portion of the Milk River watershed may become a member. 

    Organization - Any recognized organization residing or working in the Alberta portion of the Milk River watershed may become a member, including those that are conducting or leading research or providing technical information or academic data. 

    Organizations include: Municipal Government, Provincial Government, Federal Government, Academia, Industry, Producer Organizations, Health Sector, Not-for-Profit Organizations (e.g. Environmental, Non-Government) 

    First Nations - Any person who is a member of First Nations and lives or works in the Alberta portion of the Milk River watershed may become a member. 

    Participant - A Participant is any person or stakeholder residing in or outside of the Milk River watershed.  Participants include, but are not limited to, inter-provincial and international residents.  All participants are welcome to attend any meetings and events, but cannot vote on any issue.  Except for voting, Participants have the same privileges and roles as Members. 

  6. In addition to an application form, organizations or a branch or department thereof must fill out a member profile form AND provide a letter to the MRWCC affirming their membership and the name of their representative who will be considered a member for voting purposes. 
  7. Members may voluntarily withdraw from the MRWCC by notifying the Board in writing, through its Secretary.

Membership Privileges

  1. Participate in, discuss, pursue consensus and, as may be provided in the bylaws, vote at all membership meetings and receive and/or have access to notes of these meetings;
  2. Serve as an elected member of the Board of Directors and as an Officer;
  3. Participate in forums and other sessions;
  4. Share new ideas and concerns for consideration by the membership, Board of Directors, and Officers;
  5. Participate in committees and project teams to undertake MRWCC initiatives;
  6. Receive copies and/or have access to MRWCC newsletters and other publications;
  7. Make use of MRWCC promotional material, website, resources, and expertise;
  8. Cast one vote for each resolution at all General Meetings of the MRWCC. Organizations are entitled to one vote. Participants cannot vote.

Membership Roles

  1. Attend membership meetings;
  2. Function within a collaborative, consensus based approach to decision making, and in doing so respect the views of others;
  3. Adhere to and promote the Mission, Vision, and Goals of the MRWCC within the member's community and sphere of influence;
  4. Be actively involved in promoting the activities of the MRWCC and securing and/or contributing to funding to carry out the Mission of the MRWCC;
  5. Work with other members to implement MRWCC initiatives, projects, and activities;
  6. Share information about their individual and/or organizational goals, objectives, and initiatives with other watershed stakeholders;
  7. Share information about watershed issues with the watershed community;
  8. Pay any fees outlined by the Board of Directors;
  9. Advise the office of any change in contact information.

Length of Membership 

A membership will be valid for one calendar year and renewable at the Annual General meeting of the MRWCC. Notices of renewal will be sent out prior to the meeting. Any fees for membership are due on the day of the Annual General Meeting.